I FURIOSI Baroque Ensemble FRIDAYS@5 (The Hague)
Ombre Opache from Correa nel Seno Amato Alessandro Scarlatti(1660-1725)
THE DOWN-LOW concert, March 30th, 2013
I FURIOSI Baroque Ensemble
Gabrielle McLaughlin - Soprano
Felix Deak - Cello / Viola da Gamba
Aisslinn Nosky - Violin
Julia Wedman - Violin
Charlotte Nediger, harpsichord
Video by Cristina
ver l’occidente fretoloso il
sole, e con fiamme brillanti il suo caro stellato, già
rivolgeva al mare il pigro Arturo, e la notte serena
l’ombra fugando afiaccole di stelle mostravasi
amortal tra le più belle, rosseggiante nel viso, sorgea
tutta ridente dal leto pastoral la bianca Dea, e con
raggio lucente nelle porpore sue mostrava Amore
quante fiamme ascondea per un pastore. Ed era il tempo
appunto che nel grembo de’ fiori ringiovenisce l’anno
per le gioie de’ cori, quando il vago Daliso, posando il
fianco afflitto a piè d’un sasso dal di cui mezzo inciso
mormorando scorrea fontana algente, sfogando i suoi
martiri in lagrime e sospiri, solo fra muti orrori mentre
a tutti s’asconde pianti e sospiri, piante e sospiri,
confondea con l’onde. E l’umidette guancie di perle
lagrimose che dal cor distillava il suo dolore, tergea tutto
pietà, spietato Amore. Stanche al fin le sue membra dal
lungo raggirarsi in seno all’erbe, martire sol d’amore,
fissando i lumi al cielo, così con l’aure e ’l vento
sfogava singhiozzando il suo tormento.
As the sun hastened toward its beloved Western horizon,
his chariot star, the lazy Arcturus, was already with glittering
flames turning to the sea. As the star’s glimmer dispersed
the still night, revealing it as one of the most beautiful, the
white Goddess arose, blushing and radiant from her pastoral
bed with gleaming rays in her cheeks, and Love showed
what secret flames she hid for the shepherd.
It was the time when the year rejuvenates itself through
the bosom of the flowers, instilling joy in the heart;
when the lonely Daliso, leaning his weary side
at the foot of a stone from which flowed a babbling
silver spring, vented his tears and sighs,
mingling them with the waves.
He remained alone with his silent troubles.
And from his cheeks cruel Love pitifully wiped
the pearl-like tears, distilled from the sorrow of his heart.
Finally, exhausted, his limbs entwined in the grass,
tortured with love and gaze fixed heavenwards,
sobbing, he unburdened his torment to
the breezes and the wind thus: