The Sound of Julia Wedman
Music Portfolio
Julia Wedman
Hi! My name is Julia Wedman. Welcome to my website!
I am a professional violinist with a passion for 17th and 18th Century music. I am also a teacher with a holistic view of learning, a lover of all things beautiful, and a compulsive helper!
I believe that early music holds a mountain of information and we are all on our way up this mountain together. I am happy to share any knowledge I have to help people along this path - we still have a long way to go in our understanding of this beautiful music! I started studying baroque violin in my 20s, started playing full-time in a baroque orchestra in 2005 and I continue to feel like a beginner in the style sometimes! I am very grateful to my students for teaching me so many valuable things, and for inspiring me to continue to learn and grow. This website is a gift to them.
I am incredibly grateful to all of my fans, who support and encourage me and I am always happy to meet a kindred spirit and early music lover. This is also for all of you!

If you are looking for my professional bio, you can find it here.
If you are looking for my pictures click here.
If you want to know about my upcoming concerts click here.
If you want to find out what projects I am working on, you can find out here.
If you want to find out more about the music I play, you can listen to my solo pieces here, my Quartet’s music here (Eybler Quartet) and my baroque ensembles here (I Furiosi) and here (Tafelmusik).
If you would like to buy my CD's click here.
If you want to see lots of beautiful baroque stuff (paintings, sculpture, architecture, gardens, jewelry, dance and wonderful portraits of violinists who play without chin rests) you can see that here.
If you want to learn more about my favourite books about music, click here.
For links to my favourite music scores, click here.
For more info about my Bach projects, click here.
I believe that health and wellness plays a big part in being able to play music well, and I have long been fascinated by the workings of the human brain. My wonderful friend Cristina (whose brilliant work on this site has been invaluable) and I have put together a wonderful wellness section for people looking for resources - books and articles to read, videos to watch, spas to visit, and art and flowers to enjoy.
Please look around! Feel free to leave us comments and helpful suggestions here. You can also subscribe to receive my newsletter here. We are always looking for ways to connect with you.
If you would like to make a contribution to my projects, you can do that here. Right now, the top priority for any donations is to fund my new recording of Bach’s Sonatas and Partitas for solo violin. Any help would be much appreciated!
Have fun!
Julia Wedman
Mystery (Rosary) Sonata No. 14, "The Assumption of Mary into Heaven"
"Wedman has approached Biber's music like a true pilgrim, interpreting key moments in the life of Christ thoughtfully, vividly and with evident personal humility and warmth. Her performance exude humanity and have about them a radiance that somehow transcends the sound of her lovely 1694 instrument...Both Biber's music and Wedman's performances are inspirational." - Gramophone 2011
“I was obliged to be industrious; whoever is equally industrious will succeed equally well. That which I have achieved by industry and practice, anyone else with tolerable natural gift and ability can also achieve...One can do anything if only one really wishes to, and if one industriously strives to convert natural abilities, by untiring zeal, into perfected skills."