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      Live Streaming Concert - The beauty of Bach       Toronto Bach Festival

TUESDAY, JUNE 30th - 7:00PM

Live streaming concert on June 30th at 7 pm. This all-Bach program features four outstanding artists: John Abberger, oboe; Julia Wedman, violin; Felix Deak, cello; and Christopher Bagan, harpsichord.

Generations of musicians across the centuries have marvelled at the ability of Bach’s musical expression to transcend the genres and settings for which it was originally written.

Many of the works performed in this short program were originally written for different instruments. In every case the musical content of Bach’s original conception shines through unmistakably, and is, at the same time, heard in a different way, much the way a great painting can suddenly seem fresh and new when viewed from a different perspective.

Visit the Centre's Digital Concert Hall on June 30, via the link below. You'll hear a short pre-concert interview at 6:45 p.m. EDT with Toronto Bach Festival Artistic Director John Abberger, and music writer and concert host Rick Phillips. The concert begins at 7 p.m

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by Julia Wedman

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I am a baroque violinist, a member of Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra, Eybler Quartet, and I FURIOSI Baroque Ensemble. I play regularly with the Toronto Bach Festival, Theater of Early Music, L’Harmonie des Saisons, and occasionally I fly over to Europe for performances with the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment (London) and the Orchestra of the 18th Century (Amsterdam). I teach baroque violin at the University of Toronto, at Tafelmusik’s Summer Institute and at the Banff Centre for the Arts (for the Evolution: Quartet program).

Since COVID-19 hit, I have had to let go of all of my concerts and recordings thus far until August. That includes 2 St. John Passions (one with L’Harmonie des Saisons in Montreal, one with Tafelmusik), a St. Matthew Passion (Kalamazoo Symphony), a Bach program and a Handel program with Tafelmusik including a new Handel recording, performances at the Toronto Bach Festival in May, a chamber music program in Montreal with some colleagues and students, a few Eybler quartet concerts as well as recording a new Haydn CD, teaching at Tafelmusik’s Summer institute and at the Banff Centre in July….and more to come…

All of the groups are planning on some kind of postponement of projects, but time will tell what kind of format they will take. I think probably my work with smaller groups will resume more quickly than others, but also we may start doing things like streaming concerts, planning smaller concerts, prioritizing recording, etc. For some projects we are doing things online instead of in person (like the recent Aspylmayr online CD launch).

Right now it is a lot of planning, re-thinking, strategizing, learning new skills, and creating projects that will support the changing world of what it means to be a musician. I have been working on a new website. Almost everyone has been making videos - I have done a few for Tafelmusik and L’Harmonie de Saisons, Eybler Quartet is in the process of making videos to support our newly released Aspylmayr recording, and I FURIOSI is in the process of releasing some tracks from live recordings that we have made over the last 20 years. Having a break from the rigorous world of live performance is a welcome opportunity to reconnect with people, catch up on things that I have been “meaning to do”, and gives me some space (during panic breaks!) to think and create. I would say that I am also being buoyed and inspired by my incredibly talented, creative and imaginative colleagues all around the world. It is definitely a time like this that I am exceedingly grateful for online platforms keeping us connected.

As for how best people reading this can stay in touch … my new website!!! I have been working on this with one of my brilliant students and I am thrilled with how it’s coming together! It is a way for people to keep up with what I have been up to, watch videos, find links to my groups, to buying recordings that will give money directly to artists, AND, what I might be the most excited about – it is a place where people have access to resources that I love! There is a baroque music learning page with links to books and scores, and there is a wellbeing section with links to books, websites, articles and more. This is a collaborative effort so please send me a comment through my contact page if you have suggestions or resources that you would like to see added!

I’ve “pinned” my response on this map to Trinity-St Paul’s Church, Tafelmusik’s home base and my favourite place to work in Toronto. I love the acoustics, I love the energy of the space with all of the different activities that happen here, and I love all of the people - both at Tafelmusik and at the church. It is my musical “happy place.”

Eybler 1 Quartet by Sian Richards Photog
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Behind the Scenes With The Eybler Quartet

Bringing New Life to Franz Asplmayr - Documentary

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Eybler Quartet released its latest recording, Franz Asplmayr's String Quartets, Op. 2, nos. 1-6. This mini-documentary captures some behind-the-scenes footage of our recording sessions plus some hilarious interviews! - Julia Wedman

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by Julia Wedman

"This is something I have been wanting us to do for our fans for a long time! We have tons of amazing live performances from 20 years of I Furiosi, and we are going through the archives, choosing the ones we like and sending them out to you with lots of love every Friday@5! Special thanks to Cristina Prats Costa for the brilliant video, to Lucas Harris for his beautiful playing and to Ryan McCambridge for recording all of our concerts!!!"

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Franz Asplmayr - Documentary

Bringing New Life to Franz Asplmayr

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Eybler Quartet released its latest recording, Franz Asplmayr's String Quartets, Op. 2, nos. 1-6. This mini-documentary captures some behind-the-scenes footage of our recording sessions plus some hilarious interviews with the Eybler Quartet members!

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Thank you so much for all of the sweet messages I received for the concert yesterday! It was so heartwarming to know that we can still share music together, and I look forward to seeing you in person some day soon!

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Welcome to Tafelmusik at Home, our new online concert series. If you can’t come to us, we will bring the concert experience to you! 

Tafelmusik at Home: Prelude
May 27, 2020 at 7pm

Christopher Verrette, violin
Julia Wedman, violin
Keiran Campbell, cello


Christopher Verrette, violin

  • Davis Mell, Two preludes  

Julia Wedman, violin

  • H.I.F. von Biber, Passacaglia

  • Johann Sebastian Bach, Sonata in C Major, BWV 1005: Largo – Allegro Assai   


Keiran Campbell, cello

  • Giovanni Battista Vitali, Partite sopra diverse sonate per il violone: Bergamesca – Toccata

  • J.S. Bach, Suite in D Minor, BWV 1008: Sarabande

  • Giuseppe Colombi, Tromba

  • J.S. Bach, Suite in G Major, BWV 1007: Courante

  • G. Colombi, Ciaconna


This concert is Choose-What-You-Pay: tickets are available for $5, $10, or $20. 

Choose-What-You-Pay allows you to pay what you feel the value of the concert is.

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CBC Listen: This Is My Music for May 16, 2020 - Violinist Julia Wedman

Re-broadcast of "This Is My Music" - 2 hours of me hosting a radio show, talking about and listening to my favourite music and musicians that inspire me.

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Eybler Quartet Virtual Album Release!

Franz Asplmayr Unbound - Virtual album release of the six Op. 2 String Quartets today!
He's waited 250 years, but here it is! Available for download and streaming at iTunes and other platforms.

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